Here at CFB Borden we offer members of the Base Borden Rod and Gun Club the opportunity to take advantage of the ranges for all kinds of static target shooting. You can participate in handgun, rifle, shotgun and black powder shooting. We also hold a number of competitions throughout the year.
The Langemark, Vimy, Amiens, Mons and Foxfield ranges are open to Club Members during the approved schedule that can be found on the Club’s calendar.
Please note that range dates are based on availability of VOLUNTEER RSOs and availability of ranges. Dates are posted on the calendar on web site once they are approved by Range Control.
Range Dates are regularly updated on the calendar. A separate news bulletin or email is not sent out to advise of dates or changes to those dates. Please check the calendar to confirm range dates before coming out as it is sometimes necessary to cancel or otherwise alter ranges due to a number of factors including no RSO available, change due to military needs etc. If inclement weather rears its ugly head the night before a scheduled range date, it would be wise to check with Range Control the morning of to confirm if range is still open.
If you have any questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact any of us.
Note that responses to enquiries may take several days so don’t leave your questions until the last minute!!
Pat Sheridan
Assistant Shooting Director
Jack Labonté
Shooting Director
Licensed Calibers
15 May 2023: Effective immediately, the usage of the following ammunition is authorized solely on ranges that have included them in their range licenses:
- 7.62 x 39;
- 7.62 x 51; &
- 7.62 x 54R
NOTE: Please note that only the soft core variants of these ammunitions are permitted, in accordance with the range license.
Shooters are required to verify and confirm that the ammunition they intend to use complies with this safety-related condition.
Permit to Transport A.T.T.
All Members who wish to shoot restricted firearms, ie hand guns and some long guns, must have a permit to transport for Base Borden. This A.T.T. is range specific for Base Borden, unlike those for an outside club range which allows you to go to different club ranges in Ontario, not including Base Borden.
Procedure for obtaining a A.T.T.
- You must have a current membership in the BBRGC;
- Forward membership number and category – Regular, Ordinary, Associate – your PAL number and expiry date – to Pat Sheridan by e-mail –;
- It can take up to 4 weeks to obtain this form; it will be forwarded to you as soon as it arrives;
- If you terminate or let your membership lapse, the A.T.T. is automatically terminated;
- Submit required information in this format :
- Full Name
- PAL# & Expiry Date
- Member # & Classification
NOTE – You MUST have a restricted firearm registered in your name before you can be issued an ATT
TARGETS (Updated 2022-04-14)
Shooters may use their own paper targets on target boards supplied at the range.
If a shooter wishes to bring and use a target other than the target board supplied, the shooter must submit same to the Shooting Director or the Assistant Shooting Director. It will then be presented to the Range Control Officer for approval.
Range lengths and characteristics (Updated 2022-10-04)
- Langemark Bays 2 to 4 – 100 yards – firing line can move to accommodate shorter yardage shooting
- Langemark Bays 5 to 9 – 30 yards – firing line can move to accommodate shorter yardage shooting
- Vimy & Amiens – up to 500 yards in 100 yard increments – firing line moves on fixed berms
- Mons – up to 1000 yards in 100 yard increments – firing line moves on fixed berms
- Foxfield – up to 300+ yards – fixed firing line – targets are moved to desired distance
BBRGC Rules for Shooting on the Range
- All members must be in possession of a valid membership card before being allowed on the range and for access to specific events (annual renewal required).
- Guests :
- With the exception of approved special events, guests are not permitted to participate in shooting activities.
- Special events with guests shall require waivers. All waivers for special events throughout the year must be signed prior to the event with a copy given to Range Control. Range Control will control access to special events
- Range Conduct
- No smoking within 10 m of the firing line;
- Underage shooters – under 18 – must be under the direct supervision of a person over 18 and must not shoot at human silhouette / shaped targets;
- Every member is responsible for knowing, understanding and complying with all laws and regulations that pertain to the firearms they are using for any activities on base;
- Each Range has a licence showing approved calibers for that range. Shooters are responsible for ensuring they are shooting ONLY calibers licenced for the range that they are on. There are some exceptions which are not listed on the range licence that Range Control has advised us of. If in doubt the RSO should be consulted;
- Holsters are not to be worn by members;
- The use of reloaded ammunition is prohibited on all ranges;
- All personnel shall have hearing and eye protection before approaching the shooting line and must be wearing it while on the shooting line (acceptable eye protection is defined as either ANSI or CSA approved safety glasses or military issued BEW. Prescription safety eyewear must have side shields);
- All personnel must get the RSO’s permission before moving to the firing line;
- Equipment and or people may only be moved on or off the shooting line with the RSO’s permission; and
- When on the line, leave enough space between you and the next shooter (min. 1.5m or use of identified shooting lanes) to shoot safely.
- Use of Flags.
- Red flags will be displayed on any active range at the entrance to that range and any other identified point in accordance with Range Standing Orders and will not change throughout the conduct of the range; and
- The only flag that is changed from red to green is at the firing line and/or butts (if applicable) under RSO orders once all weapons have been deemed clear. Under no circumstances are firearms or ammunition to be handled under a green flag.
- Safety
- Firearms and ammunition must NEVER be left unattended. Supervision of firearms and ammunition is provided by the RSO or other appointed qualified person while shooters are down range attending to their targets;
- Firearms must be encased when moved to or from the firing line;
- Firearms will be loaded only at the firing line. This will be after the command “range is live, ear and eye protection on, at your own target, at your own time, commence fire;
- Upon the command “cease fire, prepare firearms for inspection”, all firing stops at once, firearms are unloaded, actions are left open and magazines removed where possible and the chamber is open and empty. Firearms are to be held by the shooter, laid on a mat, table, open case etc. with the muzzle pointed down range with the action open and the empty magazine facing backwards, so the RSO can see the firearm is unloaded. When RSO states “clear” a shooter that is holding their firearm is to lay it down at the firing line with the barrel facing down range and step back from the firing line. Preloaded magazines are to be placed with live ammo away from the firearm;
- During a “cease-fire” and under a green flag, no one may make adjustments to equipment, handle firearms or ammunition;
- A shooter shall inform the RSO of any misfires, dud ammunition or firearm malfunctions;
- Unloaded firearms not in use should be placed on a table, mat or ground with the action opened or trigger lock on with the muzzle pointed down range. If a case is available, put the firearm in the case once the firearm has been cleared by the RSO;
- No person is allowed forward of the firing line without the express permission of the RSO and only after a “cease-fire” has been called, all firearms have been inspected by the RSO and declared safe and the flag has been changed to green; and
- NOTE – Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If anyone sees something unsafe, they should call a cease-fire. It is an automatic “cease-fire” if an animal or person appears on the berm or range.
- Personal Conduct
- The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages, cannabis or other illegal substances is strictly prohibited;
- Range participants both members and guests are responsible to behave in a manner consistent with the club constitution;
- All members of the BBRGC must be responsible and respectful of all Borden Range Control personnel. Any complaints or concerns with Range Control will be directed to the Club Shooting Director and / or president of the Club.
- Range Administration
- After you are finished shooting for the day, request the RSO inspect and declare your firearm clear, encase firearm, pick up empty cartridges, casings, garbage, etc. Take down targets and clean up any mess around them.
- Put away any range equipment you have used, i.e. target holders, tables, sand bags, etc. Target paper must be replaced and holes not covered by the new target paper must be patched before being put away.
Change of postal code
A client may have their postal code updated on file by visiting the Web Services Portal and manually updating it. Otherwise they may send an email to to notify and we can have this updated on their file. It is important to keep it up to date for mailing purposes however, they will not require a new PAL card to be printed.
Authorization to Transport (ATT):
**** The new changes in Bill C-71 ****
The following two conditions remain on license, and remain valid within the province of residence, the other 4 conditions are no longer attached to the firearms license and individuals will need to contact our office to get short term authorization to transport permits.
- To and from a Section 29 approved shooting range or club
- To transport a newly purchased firearm(s)
Range hours
- Ranges will open at 8am, if there is nobody at that time, the RSO may chose to close the range.
Ranges dates
- See the calendar.
NOTE: All dates are subject to availability of RSO’s, if none available shooting will be cancelled. Dates subject to change and/or be cancelled by Range Control.