The following e-mail addresses are provided for the exclusive use of Governmental and Private inquiry in regards to joining instructions, and the nature of our operation. The e-mail addresses are not to be used for the purpose of marketing and/or fundraising organizations.
Inquires of this nature should be directed to Base Borden Public Affairs.
Executive Members
Todd Craft
Vice-President / Vice-Président
Natalia Toussaint
Treasurer / Trésorier
Hugh Loraine
Secretary / Secrétaire
Jake Adzija
Membership / Adhésion
Chris Anderson
Administration & Operations
Gaetan Martin
Jason Killion
Hunting / Chasse
Jack Labonté
Shooting / Club de Tir
Martin Hamel
Archery / Tir à l'arc
Bill Rittershofer
Fishing / Pêche
Ian Legault
Off-Road Vehicle / Hors-Route
Jason Olson
Tree stand / Miradors
Amy Warner
Kids Club / Club des Enfants
Activities (Operations)
Vincent Ivanyi
Maintenance/ Entretien
Conservation & Moral
Assistant Directors
Steve Martin
Hunting / Chasse
Justin Brady
Hunting / Chasse
Pat Sheridan
Shooting / Club de tir
Archery / Tir à l'arc
Claudio Abascal
Fishing / Pêche
Off-Road / Hors-Route
Jason Merner
Tree Stand / Miradors
Conservation & Moral
Maintenance / Entretien